Are you experiencing cyber (social media) harassment or bullying?
Contact our offices today to put a stop to online harassment in all forms. While cyber stalking and bullying are illegal in the State of Texas, it may be difficult to pursue criminal charges based on the business of our law enforcement and district attorneys. Nevertheless, there is something you can do, and we can assist by filing a civil lawsuit against your harassers. Online harassment includes sending threatening or unwanted emails, instant messages, posting information online, and causing distress, fear, and a disruption of your life. This also includes posting messages, photos and videos to social media platforms, opening fake accounts in your or someone else’s name, or hacking your account.
Contact Us at Warmbrodt and Associates can help you put a stop to this harassment. Call our Allen office –or any of our area locations—at 800-611-2638 or simply send us an email to schedule a free consultation. Our attorneys have the knowledge to help you put an end to this abuse.