More millennials are thinking about their finances before marriage. With that in mind, some Texas couples may be thinking prenuptial agreements could be something they should have as part of their marriages. Many women could benefit from becoming acquainted with this legal document and how it can safeguard their assets. There are a lot of people who assume it’s a man who asks for a prenuptial agreement, but a woman has just as much right to ask her partner to sign one.
Not a precursor to divorce
No, a prenuptial agreement isn’t a romantic love letter, but it also does not carry with it the notion that one day the couple will divorce. What it does do is force a couple to discuss finances prior to marriage, and this can be one of the strongest glues to keep a marriage together. Here are some things to consider doing when discussing and creating a prenuptial agreement:
- Keep a level head: Looking at a prenuptial agreement emotionally doesn’t do anyone any good. Make decisions based on logic where finances are concerned.
- Be forthcoming: Both partners must be honest about their financial situations when crafting a prenuptial agreement, including the disclosing of all assets.
- Obtain legal counsel: Having the advice of an experienced lawyer when crafting a prenuptial agreement can prove invaluable.
- Safeguard the rights of children: Some people often mention kids from previous relationships in prenuptial agreement clauses, although not with regard to custody.
- Include particulars regarding alimony/spousal support: This is important for stay-at-home parents who typically rely on the incomes of their partners.
Many lawyers, including those in Texas, have said they have seen an increase in requests for prenuptial agreements. More of these requests are coming from millennial women who have the good sense to safeguard what they already own. An experienced lawyer can answer all of one’s questions and concerns, ensure full protection of one’s rights, and help to ensure the inclusion of all necessary items in this important legal document.