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These documents may help in a child custody hearing

On Behalf of | Mar 10, 2023 | Child Custody |

After a parental separation, a common area of concern and possible contention revolves around the custody rights of the parents. In some cases, parents may have disputes over who gets custody of the children, which often results in a child custody court trial. Before heading into a court trial, it is important to be as prepared as possible. Here are some different types of documents that parents may find helpful for a child custody case.

Phone call logs

It is helpful for both parents to keep a log of all phone calls made between the child and the non-custodial parent. In the log, make sure to include when the calls occurred as well as their length and frequency. These records may be used as evidence of contact between parent and child.

Visitation schedule

It is also a good idea to keep a log of the visitations between the children and the other parent. It is recommended that the visitation log include where and when visits occurred, as well as how long the visits lasted and their frequency. For a noncustodial parent who is seeking custody, this information can be used to prove a continuous relationship with the children. On the flip side, a custodial parent could use a visitation log to show a lack of a continuous relationship between the other parent and the children.

Child’s records

It may also be helpful to gather the child’s records before heading to court. These can be documents like the child’s report cards or other written documentation to show how well the child has done in the custodial parent’s care, or vice versa. Also consider getting written statements from neighbors, coaches or teachers if they have knowledge of the parent-child relationship.

It is important to gain familiarity with state laws surrounding child custody. To avoid confusion, parents seeking custody may want to consider meeting with a legal professional who is knowledgeable about child custody laws in Texas. An experienced family law attorney can examine the situation and offer client-specific advice.