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Possible financial impact of a high net worth divorce

On Behalf of | Nov 30, 2016 | High Asset Divorce |

Divorce is seldom easy. A high net worth divorce can be particularly challenging, with life-changing financial implications. There are several things that can be done to avoid breaking the bank during a Texas divorce.

A basic first step is to become as educated as possible with regard to finances in general. Especially relevant for those who have not previously handled such matters, this important step may be crucial toward avoiding financial pitfalls in divorce. Once a basic understanding of how to attain financial stability is grasped, one can begin building a budget concerning immediate needs and future goals. If issues arise that involve a former spouse and amicable agreement is not possible, it may be best to enlist the aid of a skilled negotiator to progress toward an agreeable solution.

Whether someone pays or receives financial support post-divorce might obviously have bearing on future choices regarding residence, employment and other lifestyle decisions. The laws that govern financial matters in divorce vary by state, and anyone with questions or concerns about such issues will likely benefit by consulting with an experienced family law attorney. This type of guidance may not only help protect financial interests but can ensure that one’s personal rights are protected as well.

Navigating a high net worth divorce can be tricky business. By allowing an advocate to speak and act on one’s behalf in court, proceedings may be expedited and much stress alleviated in the process. Through thorough research and careful planning, there is no reason why a Texas divorce should send someone into a downward spiral with regard to money matters.

Source:, “Divorce is never easy and your heart may be broken, but that doesn’t mean your wallet needs to be too“, Melissa Leong, Nov. 24, 2016