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Negotiations for property division best done with legal guidance

On Behalf of | Aug 16, 2016 | Property Division |

Those going through a divorce in Texas typically want it over and done with as soon as possible. This mindset can have adverse consequences, though, as matters agreed to at this time may affect a person’s finances both immediately after the divorce and for many years to come. It makes good sense to retain the services of an experienced divorce attorney to provide guidance throughout negotiations about property division and other divorce matters.

A seasoned attorney can address all matters that are of concern to the client. For instance, if the client wishes, the lawyer can ensure that the wording of the divorce decree will state that alimony or spousal support cannot be terminated without the option to challenge such a decision in court in the future. An attorney can also provide valuable advice when it comes to negotiating for assets and point out that carrying costs for a house, car or boat may not be affordable in the client’s post-divorce budget.

Future needs must be considered, and if there are children that will need funds to finance studies at a college in years to come, it may be wise to include those issues in divorce negotiations. While most states do not require a non-custodial parent to finance the children’s studies, timely negotiations may be beneficial in the long term. Jointly held debt is another issue that needs proper attention. If a spouse assumes responsibility for any such debt, it is vital that the other party’s name is removed from the account to prevent non-payment affecting his or her credit score.

It is preferable that each party in a Texas divorce uses his or her own attorney. A skilled attorney can keep an eye on all decisions made about property division, spousal support and more, and ensure that the client’s wishes are properly reflected in the final judgment of divorce.  No one should feel pressured to accept a settlement, and each party is entitled to understand all of the proposed terms and conditions before proceeding.

Source:, “6 Mistakes to Avoid in the Divorce Settlement Process”, Cathy Meyer, Accessed on Aug. 12, 2016