When a Texas couple with children gets divorced, the parties will stop being spouses, but they will always be parents. Working on a practical parenting plan can be an emotional process, but most parents are committed to child custody arrangements that will be in the best interests of the children. One area of responsibility that may need particular attention is the post-divorce arrangements related to the access of both parents to the children’s school records.
Under federal law, The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, both parents have the right to access the educational records of their children. This includes information related to contacts and family, disciplinary actions, report cards, transcripts and schedules. Non-custodial parents will be entitled to obtain this information, except in cases in which that parent is prohibited from contact with the child by a court order.
However, in such a case it will be up to the custodial parent to provide a copy of such a court order to the school to protect the children. The law does not give non-custodial parents the right to day-to-day school notices about photo sessions for school pictures, lunch schedules, menus and more. Accordingly, if a custodial parent wants the school to include the other parent in these aspects of the child’s school activities, the school must be informed and have such permission on file.
To ensure that all aspects related to child custody and the respective rights of the parents to access school records are addressed appropriately, the support and guidance of an experienced Texas family law attorney may be helpful. A skilled attorney can protect the rights of either the custodial or non-custodial parent. Having the support of both parents at school functions and sports activities is essential for an ongoing loving parent-child relationship.
Source: wotv4women.com, “Your custody questions answered: What happens when it’s time to go back to school?“, Laura Rizzo, Aug. 17, 2016