Newly divorced parents in Texas may be adjusting to their new, single lives and complying with all the specifications of their divorce agreements and parenting schedules. Nevertheless, some stumbling blocks may arise when one of the parents decides to take the children away for a vacation. Not only will the parent have to consider the legal requirements but also the parental rights of the other parent.
It is not uncommon for the parent who stays behind to feel left out when a former spouse gets to take the kids on a vacation, and he or she may be intentionally ambiguous about the matter. There are various ways that unpleasant situations can be avoided. While away, Skype calls between children and their other parent may help him or her not to feel neglected. Asking that parent to write a number of personal notes for each child to be opened every day may also maintain the loving connection between children and their absent parent.
While working on appeasing the other parent, legal requirements must not be forgotten. Check for stipulations related to traveling in the parenting plan that formed part of the divorce decree. Advise the other parent of the vacation plans well in advance to avoid him or her spoiling your plans at the last moment; also, include a full itinerary of your traveling and accommodation plans. Traveling documents for the parent and children — whose last names may have changed after the divorce — must be checked well in advance, especially if you are traveling on international flights.
International traveling may also require a certified consent form to confirm that the children are traveling with the approval of the other parent. It is not uncommon for ex-spouses to be malicious and withhold such consent. This may force a parent to involve the family court, which can be time-consuming. A timely consultation with an experienced Texas family law attorney may be informative in relation to your parental rights and assuring compliance with the parenting plan.
Source:, “Just Divorced? Travel Tips Every Newly Single Parent Needs to Know Before Their Next Trip“, Hallie Levine, May 7, 2015